Tuesday 12 February 2019

What Are the Possible Causes of Tingling and Numbness of Foot According to Podiatrists New York City?

 Shivering in the feet is a typical concern. Numerous individuals experience a "pins and needles" sensation in their feet at some point. This isn't usually a reason for concern. It might be caused by pressure on the nerves when you've been in one position for a really long time. The inclination should leave when you move.

Be that as it may, shivering in the feet might be persistent. In the event that the "pins and needles" feeling continues for an extensive stretch of time or is joined by pain, you should see your Podiatrists New York City. They can enable you to decide the cause.


Diabetic neuropathy

Diabetes is a standout amongst the most widely recognized causes for persistent shivering in the feet. Diabetic neuropathy is the result of nerve harm caused by high glucose.

Symptoms of diabetes include:

frequent urination

outrageous thirst

dry mouth

irritated skin

fruity smelling breath

pain or numbness in hands and feet

increased hunger

unexpected weight reduction

slow recuperating of cuts or sores

yeast infections

drowsiness or laziness

vision changes

nausea and retching

Your Podiatrists New York City will take a medicinal history, complete a physical test, and run blood tests to decide whether you have diabetes or if your diabetes is causing your shivering feet.

Diabetes can be made do with lifestyle changes and several medications, such as insulin.


It's normal to encounter shivering in your feet during pregnancy. This causes a "pins and needles" sensation.

You might most likely mitigate the shivering by:

resting with your feet up

changing positions

ensuring you're very much hydrated

On the off chance that the shivering worsens, doesn't leave, or is joined by weakness or swelling, you should see your Podiatrists New York City to ensure nothing serious is going on.

Nutrient insufficiency

Not getting enough of specific vitamins, particularly B vitamins, can cause shivering of the feet. Being nutrient insufficient can be due to a terrible eating routine or to an underlying condition.

In case you're insufficient in nutrient B-12, you may have some of the accompanying symptoms:


shortness of breath


shivering and coldness in hands and feet

cerebral pain

chest pain

digestive issues


augmented liver

Your Podiatrists New York City will take a therapeutic and family ancestry, complete a physical test, and attract blood to decide whether you have a nutrient inadequacy.

You may require nutrient supplements or another treatment, contingent upon the cause of your low nutrient levels.

Kidney failure

Kidney failure may cause shivering in the feet. Kidney failure can have numerous causes, but the most well-known are diabetes and hypertension.

Symptoms of shivering feet caused by kidney failure include:

pain, shivering, and numbness in the legs and feet

cramping and muscle twitches

"pins and needles" sensation

muscle weakness

Your Podiatrists New York City may complete a number of tests to decide whether kidney failure is the cause of your shivering feet. Tests may include:

a neurological test

electromyography (EMG), which measures muscle movement

a nerve conduction speed test

blood tests

Treatment for kidney failure includes dialysis and a kidney transplant.

Autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases occur when the body attacks itself. A number of autoimmune diseases can cause shivering in the feet. Some of these conditions include:


Sjögren's syndrome

Guillain-Barré syndrome

celiac disease

rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

To decide whether an autoimmune disorder is causing the shivering in your feet, your Podiatrists New York City will take a point by point family and therapeutic history, complete a physical test, and likely run a number of blood tests.

Treatments for autoimmune diseases shift. They may include dietary changes and medications.


A number of infections can cause irritation of the nerves. This can prompt shivering of the feet. These infections include:

Lyme disease


hepatitis B and C




On the off chance that you figure you may have a contamination, you should see your Podiatrists New York City. They'll take a therapeutic history, complete a physical test, and likely attract blood to test for infectious diseases.

Treatment will fluctuate contingent upon what contamination you have, but will probably include prescription.

Drug use

Some medications can cause shivering in the feet as a side impact. The most widely recognized drugs that cause this are those used to battle disease (chemotherapy) and those used to treat HIV and AIDS. Others include medications to treat:


heart conditions


In case you're taking a prescription and encountering shivering in your feet, you should converse with your Podiatrists New York City. They'll have the capacity to decide whether this is a side impact of your drug. They'll also choose whether your dose needs to be changed.

Squeezed nerve

On the off chance that you have a squeezed nerve in your back it can cause shivering in your feet. Squeezed nerves might be due to injury or swelling.

You may also experience:


changes in sensation in your feet

decreased scope of movement

Your Podiatrists New York City will total a medicinal history and physical test to decide whether you have a squeezed nerve. They may also total an EMG to take a gander at muscle action, or a nerve conduction speed test. Different tests may include a MRI or ultrasound.

Treatment for a squeezed nerve may include:



physical treatment

possibly surgery

Unknown causes

Sometimes individuals experience shivering in their feet and there's not a known cause. Podiatrists New York City call this "idiopathic."

This condition is most basic in individuals more than 60 years old. You may encounter symptoms of shivering, pain, numbness, weakness, and unsteadiness when standing or walking.

Your Podiatrists New York City will total a physical test and play out a number of tests to rule out whatever could be causing your symptoms.

Treatment may include:

pain prescription

safety measures

special shoes

At the point when to see a Podiatrists New York City

On the off chance that you experience shivering in your feet that doesn't leave, gets worse, is joined by pain, or keeps you from walking admirably, you should see a Podiatrists New York City. You might be at risk for falls on the off chance that you can't feel your feet appropriately.

In the event that you experience shivering in your feet joined by a severe cerebral pain, shivering in your face, or sudden weakness, you should get quick therapeutic consideration. These might be signs of a stroke, which can be hazardous. At NY Stem Cell Institute, you can call for FREE Consultation at (646) 480 1259

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